Experienced software engineer with 4+ years of work in c#, python, and javascript. Skilled in developing games and software simulations. Passionate about creating innovative solutions.

My Background




person holding pencil near laptop computer
person holding pencil near laptop computer

Developed a variety of engaging and interactive python games for entertainment purposes.

Created an exciting Text-Based RPG game using javascript, offering players a captivating gaming experience.

cars parked in front of building during daytime
cars parked in front of building during daytime

Designed and implemented a software simulation system for a hospital, optimizing operational efficiency.

Developed using express, nodeJs, ejs & express-generator template.

Developed using expressJS, nodeJS, mongoDB, javaScript and cors.

Developed using javaScript.

people sitting on chair inside library
people sitting on chair inside library

It's a MERN stack project which has CRUD operations with 2 different viewing options.